User and PC Setups

Setting up users and PCs is time-consuming. We streamline the setup and ensure your accounts and PCs are ready to be used quickly.

Service Summary:


  • PC Configuration
  • Image Management
  • User Configuration
  • For more service information, click HERE
  • Unwanted software won't waste your PC resources
  • Imaging is up-to-date and applied quickly
  • User files and applications are setup and ready to be used
$35 per PC
Configuration + User Setup
$100 per PC
Base Image
$150 per PC
Base Image + User Setup
$200 per PC
Application Installation
$35 per Hour
* A one-time onboarding fee of $500 per company is required
**Monthly pricing is also available with a yearly commitment

What are User and PC Setup Services?

Our User and PC Setup service is focused on providing an excellent customer experience by getting new users and/or systems up-and-running quickly and easily. The team is trained to gather all the pertinent information to make onboarding new employees and equipment a breeze.

User and PC Setup Service featuring:

Custom Services

If you need assistance with user setup or PC build services outside of the items listed above, we can work together to create a list of services that meets your needs.

Service Goals

In order to be successful, we need to define success. Below are the metrics to which we hold our team accountable to ensure we are delivering a service that brings value to our clients:

We've helped hundreds of companies overcome their support struggles.

How can we become your ally?

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