Helping Support Centers Identify and Implement What They Need to Succeed

Faster Response Times.
Better Service.
Happier Clients.

We have the tools you need to overcome challenges and be a top-tier support team.

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Define Success
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Measure Success
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Improve Success
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Superior Service
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100% American
A visual showing the DMI Support Circle of Success.
A person learning about AlliedHDS benefits.

What does that look like?

  • ALLIED HDS will start with performing a DMI Assessment to help you identify where your team excels or needs improvements.
  • The assessment reviews your definitions of success, how you measure that success, and what processes and systems you have in place for continual improvement.
  • Once the assessment is complete, you can decide to work with us on the improvement plan or implement the plan yourself.
  • If you choose to work with us on the DMI improvement plan, we will follow our DMI Process to ensure that every person on your team knows what success in their role looks like, where they stand, and how to improve.

How will it work?

Our service level goals:

  • We review your documentation and toolsets with you to understand how you serve your clients.
  • Once we understand how your team works, we compare your processes to industry standards and best practices.
  • We review the metrics you track for your team to validate their accuracy and effectiveness.
  • We help you shift to more proactive support practices, aligned to your defined goals and metrics.
  • The partnership we create prioritizes your success; we succeed if you succeed. Our knowledge and experience of support allows us to make your success our priority as effortlessly as possible.

How does that help you?

  • Consistent, fast, and reliable support builds confidence in your brand and your users.
  • Stop worrying about support and focus your resources on other critical and strategic initiative.
  • Team members know what is expected of them, where they stand, and how to improve. This allows management to coach individuals members on improvements that positively impact the entire team.
  • Save money by finding efficiencies in your existing support solution.
  • Gain access to resources, teams, and services that partner with your team to raise the level and capabilities of your support.

Steps to an Improved Support Model:

Using the three simple steps below, we can create a tailored support solution for you.

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Let's Talk

A sit-down, collaborative conversation where we learn all about the support needs and desired outcomes of you and your organization.

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Let's Learn

We take a deep dive into your operations to learn about your team, their processes, and how you serve your clients.

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Let's Improve!

We provide feedback on your support system based on our findings and experience. This includes action plans for areas of improvement based on industry best practices.

Schedule Meeting

We've helped hundreds of companies overcome their support struggles.

How can we become your ally?

Schedule Meeting